A&P Project Blog


Our northern Michigan adventure

Digging and planting began Memorial Day and continued throughout the summer (and even into the fall).

If you know me at all, you know I need to have gardens with lots of flowers. This property had some existing plants, but the beds were too small in proportion to the house. Plus there was not enough variety in plants. The front yard begins…

The Front Yard

We brought a number of plants with us from our house in Waterford to transplant.

Lots and lots of digging in the front yard.

We had to get some shade tolerant plants for the very front of the house.


Since our house in Waterford was going on the market at the beginning of June, we planted all our herbs and veggies in containers so we could take them with us.

This is a pic of all our containers on the back deck of the new house. The bags in front of the deck are potatoes. We planted them on the Fourth of July and harvested them at the end of September. They were delicious!

The Main Entrance

The entrance definitely needed some work.

I added a small planting bed off the deck. Andy rebuilt the step into a landing. I stained the deck gray and painted the door black.

The Side Garden

The side garden was the most established area in the yard. It had been neglected and needed weeding and mulching, but for the most part, it was a beautiful garden.

I wish I would have taken a pic of the large hydrangea in full bloom. It was beautiful!

The Other Side ″Garden″

It's not really a garden. But it has a beautiful hydrangea. There was a rotted out deck off the living room. The step was removed before I had a chance to take a pic. I dug out the entire area around the hydrangea and added marble stone.

This area doesn't get much sun, so hopefully the stone will help keep it dry.

In the pics, you are seeing clues as to what is happening next on the exterior of the house.

The Garage Side ″Garden″

Again, it's not really a garden. But it had garden border edging already installed, so I decided to dig it out. This area surrounds the underground well house, so we need to be able to access it.

I wish I would have gotten a before pic. It was completely filled with overgrown weeds and grass. I dug the entire area out, added weed fabric, some shrubs, stepping stones and black rubber mulch.

The compost pile is still an eyesore. (See the next section!)

The Garage Side ″Garden″ & Patio

Surprise! We painted the side of the garage black and added a cedar fence panel to hide the compost pile.

The previous owner had left a “Farmhouse” sign in the house. I painted it gold and hung it on the side of the garage. We placed our existing outdoor dining table and chairs on the concrete pad (that used to be a kid's sand box). We love how it all turned out!

Thanks for following our adventure,

A&P Project